Your generous contributions to WOSCA help enable us to meet financial commitments, improve facilities. and ensure the Woods of Shavano continues to be an appealing, enjoyable community in which to live.
Like home ownership, neighborhood asset stewardship involves ongoing maintenance and upkeep. Aging equipment eventually requires improvement or replacement. Listed below are improvement projects for future consideration, dependent on additional funds.
The HVAC system at the clubhouse is over 30 years old, inefficient, and kept running due to the kindness of a resident.
Cost equivalent to 43 Full Memberhips
The 40-year-old double door sets allow water penetration and reduced energy efficiency.
Cost equivalent to 22 Full Memberships
Utilizing a partnership, the WOSCA Board improved the Indian Woods tennis courts. Courts located on Parksite Woods are in need of a similar renovation.
Cost equivalent to 39 Full Memberships
Replace 40-year-old clubhouse flooring -Approx. $4000.
Replace Clubhouse kitchen counters -
Approx. $1500. COMPLETED in 2023 at no cost to WOSCA by a generous resident donor. THANK YOU!!
Replace Pool Operations Computer -Approx. $1000
Install Information Marquee -
Approx. $2000.
Cost equivalent to 30 Full Memberships
Our minimum goal is to maintain these aging assets our preference is to improve them.